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    Law Journal Law Journal

    Law Journal


    About The Journal

    Aim & Scope

    CPJ LAW JOURNAL (ISSN 0976 3562) Listed in UGC CARE, addresses to different domains of law to generate outstanding research output at an international level. CPJ Law Journal plays a significant role in generating new ideas and new view points to existing research and provides a platform for academicians, practitioners, researchers, scholars and students from across the world to contribute for enhancement of the legal concepts.

    The Journal aims to publish research articles on theoretical foundations of law and computation of practical techniques for their implementation and application in various spheres of law. CPJ Law Journal is of interest to academicians, scholars, advanced students and reflective practitioners in Legal disciplines. The journal will also inform those seeking an update on current experience and future prospects in the areas of contemporary Legal Sector.


    To encourage exchange of ideas, concepts and their applicability and promote problem-solving capabilities at an international platform.

    To disseminate new knowledge and legal developments for the benefit of everyone ranging from the academic and professional research communities to legal practitioners in a vast range of area in legal sector.

    To provide an open forum to publish original high quality research papers in the different areas of Business Law, Corporate Law, Intellectual Property Law, Constitutional Law, Environmental Law, Cyber Law & other Laws.

    To examine current and emerging issues and their related Laws and how these are shaping to suit the current scenario.

    CPJ LAW JOURNAL is an annual publication with a wide distribution to researchers, developers, practitioners, and educators in the field of law. It publishes papers, brief contributions, and comments on research in areas of current interest to the readers. These include but are not limited to the followings:


    The theme selected for the CPJ Law Journal is any CONTEMPORARY LEGAL ISSUE. The main focus of the Articles/ Papers shall be the latest trends in the field of Law. These could be but not limited to the following themes- Business Law, Law of Contract, Criminal Law, Corporate Law, Constitutional Law, ADR, Intellectual Property Law, Cyber Law, Environmental Law, Human Rights Law and any other contemporary Legal issue

    The Journal is extremely useful to academicians, practitioners, researchers, scholars and students who are interested in the latest theoretical and practical advances and innovations in the field of Law. CPJ LAW JOURNAL is also extremely useful for organizations that want to adapt to new legal trends.

    All correspondence relating to the Journal should be addressed to:-


    Prof. (Dr.) Amit Kr. Jain

    Director (Corporate Affairs) & Editor – CPJ Law Journal

    Chanderprabhu Jain College of Higher Studies & School of Law

    Plot No. OCF, Sector-A-8, Narela, Delhi-110040.

    Ph: 011-27284333/34

    Email: lawjournal@cpj.edu.in

    Editorial Board

    Chairman                    Sh. Subhash Chand Jain
    General Secretary      Dr. Abhishek Jain
    Editorial Board     
    Editor-in-Chief Mr. Yugank Chaturvedi, Director General
    Editor Prof. (Dr.) Amit Kr. Jain, Director-Corporate Affairs
    Co-Editor               Dr. Shalini Tyagi, Dean of SoL
    Associate Editor Mr. Raman Bhardwaj, Department Coordinator, SoL
    Members Ms. Mahima Khetarpal, Assistant Professor, SoL

    Ethical Policy for CPJ Law Journal

    CPJ Law Journal aims at publishing research that is original and in accordance with the scholarly integrity of the journal. Thus, the authors are requested to abide by the ethical duties and responsibilities and help maintain the scholarly integrity.

    The authors submitting their manuscripts for publication in the Journal are required to read and understand our ethics policy before submitting the manuscripts. Authors must be honest in presenting their results and conclusions of their research. Research misconduct is harmful for knowledge. It could mislead other researchers. The submitted papers/articles/book reviews/ caste studies, etc. may be subjected to anti-plagiarism check so as to detect any possible overlapping and similarity in content. This is in accordance with our commitment to prevent ethical misconduct, which is a growing problem in academic and professional publications. In case any such content is found to be similar, the same shall be liable to be rejected.

    1.Ethical Duties of the Authors:


    a. Shall ensure that all the work submitted by them is original and any content that requires due acknowledgement is fully referenced. Also, the author shall disclose the source of all data and third party material. Reproducing text from the work of others, without giving due acknowledgement and credit to the author or producing many papers with the same content and language by the same authors themselves (self-plagiarism) is also not acceptable. Submitting the same conclusions and suggestions to multiple journals concurrently is unethical.

    b. Shall provide accurate contact details for the corresponding author, who shall be responsible for the authorship of the paper and who shall be the corresponding author for any correspondence relating to originality of the paper. It may also include any queries or investigations that may arise in context with the paper submission.

    c. Are also required to ensure that that there are no duplicate submissions, i.e., the same manuscript should not be sent for consideration to different journals at the same time.

    d. Shall submit a duly filled and signed copyright form upon confirmation of acceptance of their work for publication, thereby transferring the copyright to the publisher of the journal.
    e. Must be honest in presenting their results and conclusions on the basis of their research. Any inferences borrowed from the work of others shall be highly disregarded.

    f. Shall be willing to cooperate and comply with any requests made by the editor and publisher with regard to source of data, proof of authorship or originality, etc. All authors have an obligation to inform and corporate with journal editors to provide prompt correction of errors in their published or unpublished works.

    g. Can expect transparency, efficiency and integrity from the publisher and the editor during the review after the submission process.

    h. In case any approval is required to be taken from any third party for reproduction of their authored content, the same shall be obtained and submitted along with the manuscript.

    2. Ethical Duties of the Editor(s)

    They shall:

    a. Maintain the integrity and fairness as required by the Journal.

    b. Protect the reputation of the Journal and published work that is found to be of high quality and intellect and is of contemporary relevance.

    c. Give due consideration to all those who have made a significant contribution and shall be cited as authors. Other individuals who have contributed to the work should also be acknowledged. Articles should include a full list of the current institutional affiliations of all authors, both academic and corporate.

    d. Ensure that a thorough, objective and confidential peer review is conducted for all submissions and that they pass the required quality check and editorial assessment at the initial stages.

    e. Also aim to provide fair and impartial review and publication process as far as it is possible, with due respect and acknowledgement accorded to the author(s).

    f. Ensure that they shall give prompt responses to all communications initiated by the authors and to give necessary recommendations to the authors. The editors shall also communicate the acceptance or rejection of all submissions to the authors in a timely manner and also give reasonable explanation and updates to authors during the submissions process as well as after a decision has been made.

    g. Accept papers based only on original merit, quality and relevance of their content. They shall, as far as practicable, abstain from making decisions based upon personal preferences.

    h. Ensure that all third party sanctions have been taken by the authors. In case such sanctions have not been obtained, the Editor shall remind the author to do the needful. In case of absence of sanctions, the discrepancy shall be informed to the publisher.

    i. Remain in good communication with both the publisher and the author(s).

    3. The Review Committee and Ethics:

    a. The Review Committee shall follow the policy of confidential peer review for the selection of work for the journals. It shall be inclusive of the obligations to keep their identity hidden from authors and not to misappropriate work that is submitted to them for review.

    b. Every member of the committee shall accept to review work which relates to their own field of specialization and area of expertise. They shall also bear a moral obligation to review the submitted work in an impartial and timely manner. They shall also accept the duty to review future versions of the work and provide ‘follow up’ advise to the editor(s), if requested.

    4. The Journal and Ethics:

    It shall be ensured that the integrity and reputation of the journal is not jeopardized and that work of highest quality shall be published.

    The Journal Shall:

    a. Make use of plagiarism detection software when necessary for any submission made to the journal at any stage of the submission and publication process.

    b. Have a prescribed and detailed instruction manual for the authors outlining the form and manner of submission with details pertaining to the referencing style, font size, font style, line spacing, requirement of abstract and suggestions, etc. Also, it shall be a transparent submission and publication process

    c. Take care of and investigate thoroughly, any allegations or suggestion of ethical misconduct surfaced at any stage of the submissions process. This can include, but is not restricted to, the following: plagiarism, redundant publication, fabrication or misuse of data and authorial disputes.

    d. Reserve the right to retract articles which appear to be unethical, misleading or damaging and communicate the same to the corresponding author.

    e. Remain in good communication with editors, authors, reviewers and society partners

    In case any work is found to be unethical or plagiarized, the Journal shall reserve the rights to conduct a fair and transparent investigation into the same. Depending upon the decision/result of such investigation, the Journal may decide to either reject the manuscript or require the author to re-submit the same within the prescribed period. In case the paper is already published before the discovery of the unethical submission, the Journal reserves the right to retract the work, with a statement of explanation. The authors are expected to cooperate and render all support and cooperation sought from them by the Journal.

    In case of any further queries relating to submissions, review, publication, etc., the Editor of the CPJ Law Journal may be contacted at lawjournal@cpj.edu.in

    Peer Review and Publication Policy


    The Peer Review and Publication policy given below applies to the following Journals published by the Chanderprabhu Jain College of Higher Studies & School of Law, Narela, Delhi.

    Peer Review Policy

    Peer Review Policy outlined below describes the system for evaluating and assuring the high quality of research papers/articles/book reviews before they are found useful for publication in CPJ LAW JOURNAL. It involves subjecting research articles, book reviews, and other proposals to critical evaluation by independent subject expert(s), who are usually selected by the Editorial Board of the above Journals to ensure that only high quality research articles/papers are published and rewarded appropriately. This policy will also be employed in the evaluation of draft conference presentations, book reviews, case studies and monographs before they are published to assess whether they meet the quality standard as prescribed/suggested in the Research Paper/Article-Review Form/ Case Studies evaluation-Review Form to be filled in by the reviewers.

    Peer Review is to encourage and motivate the contributors as it plays an important role in enhancing the quality of research and majority of the contributors believe that their work is improved as a result of the peer-review process. Peer Review policy has been framed, with the aim that reviewers will ensure that Ethical Policy of the Journal and the research practice has been followed by the contributors of research papers/articles/book reviews/monographs and there is no fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, failure to disclose conflict of interests and other forms of scholarly misconduct. It is true that reviewers may not be always perfect in their judgments, nevertheless, it is desired to filter out the bad research.

    We follow the double blind review system where the identities of both the reviewers and the author(s) of the research paper, article, book review, case study, monograph etc. are hidden from each other.

    Though, the services of the reviewers are voluntarily and free of charge, however, they are motivated by commitment to providing a service to the research community of which they are a part. The reviewers are rewarded through acknowledgments by including their name in a list published annually. They are also invited to Conferences, Workshops, Seminars as a Key Note speaker/Guest of Honor. They are also invited for a guest lecture on a specific subject/theme. They are also given free subscriptions to our Journals.

    Criteria/ Policy for Publication

    CPJ LAW JOURNAL are published annually. Invitation for call for papers for publication in the above Journals is sent to the academicians, researchers, professionals, jurists, practitioners and experts from industry, judiciary and legal areas for contributing their scholarly articles, research papers/commentaries on various aspects of Management, Accounting, Marketing, Human Resource Management, Industrial Relations, Commerce, Economics, Computer Science, Information Technology etc.

    CPJ LAW JOURNAL also aims to provide close insights into the various contemporary and current issues of Law to the readers. It is dedicated to express the views on topical legal issues, thereby generating a cross current of ideas on emerging matters to ignite the minds of young Law professionals. CPJ LAW JOURNAL provides an opportunity to authors to take an in depth study in specific areas of Law by contributing research articles/papers, legal research writings and analysis for all round development of Law students, professionals and all others in this field.

    CPJ Journals are published periodically in the month of July to facilitate academicians, management thinkers, experts, professionals, practitioners, researchers and students to share their knowledge and experience in specific area of their specialization including multi disciplinary research comprising of case studies, corporate and legal experiences, current business and legal developments, environmental, social and ethical issues.

    General Criteria prescribed for publication of papers/articles in CPJ Law Journal


    • Must provide strong evidence for its conclusions.
    • Should be of extreme importance to research scholars, academicians, students, practitioners in the specific field/area of research.
    • Should not compromise novelty as we do not consider meeting report abstract and pre-prints on community services to compromise novelty.
    • Should be interesting to researchers in other related disciplines. In general, a paper/article should represent an advance in understanding likely to influence thinking in the field.

    All the contributors are required to follow the Guidelines for submission of Articles, Research papers, Case Studies, Book Reviews, Essays, Notes and Comments (Case Comments, Book Comments, Legislative Comments, Policy Comments) for publication in CPJ LAW JOURNAL on Management/ Commerce/ IT and Law & Legal Studies related themes and topics respectively.


    For submission of articles & book reviews for publication in CPJ Law Journal, manuscripts and all editorial correspondence should be addressed/emailed to:
    The Editor,

    Chanderprabhu Jain College of Higher Studies & School of Law,
    Plot No. OCF, A-8, Narela, Delhi – 110040,
    E- mail : lawjournal@cpj.edu.in

    Guidelines for Submission of Articles and Book Reviews in “CPJ Law Journal”

    CPJ Law Journal publishes articles, research papers, case studies and book reviews on Law & Legal Studies related themes & topics.


    a. Articles and Research Papers should be submitted in duplicate, typed in single space in 12 point size (font: Times New Roman) on good quality A-4 size paper, in single space with 1 inch margin in a maximum of 7-12 pages. Contributions should be sent by post along with the CD (RW) of the same prepared in MS Word and also to be emailed to the Editor, Chanderprabhu Jain College of Higher Studies, Narela, Delhi-110040.
    b. The manuscripts must be accompanied with duly filled-in Declaration Form stating that the paper is the original unpublished work of the author, and has not been sent elsewhere for consideration of publication.

    c. An abstract (of about 200 words) should be submitted along with the paper at the time of submission.

    d. Illustrations, figures, maps and graphs should be prepared in black and white and be kept to the minimum. They should be numbered serially with appropriate headings.

    e. Tables and Figures should be numbered consecutively in Numerals and should be placed at the end with mention of insert in the text as Table 1, Table 2 etc. Tables should not duplicate results in graphs. The minimum amount of descriptive text should be used on graphs and drawings (label curves, points etc. with single-letter symbols).

    f. Spellings of frequently used words should be consistent all through the paper.

    g. There should be separate title page containing the title of the article, author’s name, designation official and residential address, telephone number, e-mail address, fax numbers, etc. The name of the author(s) should not appear on the manuscript to facilitate blind review.

    h. A separate list of references should be given at the end of the paper. Only those references, which are actually utilized in the text, should be included in the reference list. In the text, references should be cited with the surname of the author(s) along with the year of publication, all in brackets. References should be complete in all respects and alphabetically arranged. Footnotes may be given on the same page if any technical term needs some explanations.

    i. The Articles being sent can be co-authored. However, a maximum of two authors per article permitted.

    Guidelines for Book Review:-
    The authors for the Book Review must include the review of books on Law on the latest topics. It must reflect the following details and in the order specified below:

    • Name of the Author
    • Title of Book Reviewed
    • Place of Publication
    • Publisher
    • Year of Publication
    • Number of Pages with Binding specification such as paperback or hardbound.
    • The Word Limit must be 1500-2000 words and must be chapter wise.

    The comments can be his/her own. A copy of book should be sent along the book review desired to be published.

    Guidelines for Review of Literature:-

    The literature should be in areas of Law or its allied fields. The studies included should be based on contemporary research. Too old research studies can be included only when they are cross-sectional in nature.

    Covering Letter:-

    All submissions must be accompanied by a Covering Letter stating the title, author’s full name, designation, institute they belong and postal address and the author’s contact details. Only the covering letter should contain the above mentioned details and not the manuscript:

    Word Limit:-

    Long Article 6000-7000 words
    Short Article 4000-5000 words
    Book Review 1000-2000 words

    (Note : Word Limit is including abstract, main article/book review and foot notes)


    All the contributions should be the original work of the contributors and should not have been submitted for consideration in any other Journal. The author would be liable for any Legal issue arising out of plagiarism.


    The contributions presented to and accepted for publication and the copyrights therein shall be the intellectual property of the Chanderparbhu Jain College of Higher Studies & School of Law. Every article/comments/notes etc. received for publication will be edited for general suitability of publication by Editorial Board.

    Ethics Policy of Journal:-

    a. All the contributors are required to follow the Ethics Policy of Journal.

    b. All editorial correspondence will be done through email only.

    c. Author will receive a complimentary copy of the Journal in which his/her articles is published.

    d. Rules for citing the books on the reference list:

    e. Use the author’s surname and initial(s). Do not use first name, degrees and the like.

    f. Follow the author’s name with the year of publication. Year of publication will be in parenthesis.

    g. Both should be in bold.

    h. The title of the book should be next and only the first word in the title or any proper name should be in upper case.

    i. The publisher of the book is listed last followed by a period.

    j. Paper finding place in Journal will be duly communicated to their authors.

    Manuscripts and all editorial correspondence should be addressed/emailed to:

    The Editor,
    Chanderprabhu Jain College of Higher Studies & School of Law,
    Plot No. OCF, A-8 Narela, Delhi –110040
    Email: lawjournal@cpj.edu.in