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Law Admissions 2025
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    GGSIPU Admissions Open 2025
    Courses Offered -
    BBA | BBA CAM | BCA | B.A.LL.B | BBA LL.B | LL.B | LL.M

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    Law Admissions 2025 Notice APPLY ONLINE Virtual Campus Tour Video GalleryPay Fee


    Faculty Awards & Recognition Faculty Awards & Recognition

    Faculty Awards & Recognition

    Faculty Awards & Recognition

    Criteria / Guidelines for the Best Teacher’s Award

    We are committed to move and progress on the path of excellence with a clear vision for improving the quality of Higher Education by providing full freedom to our Faculty in performing Academic work and to enhance the quality of the faculty in their respective area of specialization. To encourage and motivate our faculty, we have constituted a committee to recommend teachers name for the BEST TEACHER’S AWARD, in the discipline of Management, IT and Law in recognition of their meritorious service on the occasion of Teacher’s Day i.e. 5th September of every year. The Award carries a memento, a certificate, a Shawl and Cash of Rs. 1000/-

    The teacher is expected to:

    a) Teach in the Academic Programmes assigned to him/her including MDP/FDP and guide students in the courses, run in the College.

    b) Have published research papers in journals at National/ International Level.

    c) Organize/ participate/ in national/ International workshops, seminars, conferences or in their proceedings in or out of the College.

    d) Undertake research and consultancy assignments.

    e) Undertake/participate in institution building activities


    The teachers are selected on the basis of following Criteria/ guidelines

    Eligibility Criteria

    a) The faculty member should have devoted at least 6 hours/ day to teach minimum 3 courses of 4 credit each, which include teaching, preparations, assignment/quizzes/ project work, preparation of question bank, e-notes, lesson plans, setting of question papers and evaluation of answer sheets etc.

    b) The teacher should have put in a minimum one year of service as lecturer/ assistant professor, reader/ Associate professor, Professor and must be engaged in active teaching work on the date of recommendation

    He/she should have

    c) Devoted 720 working hours in a semester for teaching.

    d) Presented / have got published at least one research paper/ article in journals in an academic year.( two semesters)

    e) Achieved pass percentage of at least 85% of students in the subject taught by him/ her during each semester.

    f) Participated actively in organizing national/ international workshops, seminars, conferences, conventions, conclaves, summits, FDPs etc. in the College.

    g) Undertaken / involved him/herself in student-welfare activities, Co- and extracurricular activities and other institution building activities in the College.

    h) Been punctual and regular to conduct his/ her classes/ tutorials assigned to him/ her.

    i) Maintained at least 80% of his / her attendance in the college during the academic year.

    j) Scored rating atleast Good by securing 35-40 marks out of 50 marks in the evaluation sheet by the students as per Appendix-A 

    k) Been assessed at least very Good by the Principal/ HOD/ programme Coordinator as per Appendix-B


    His/her honesty, integrity, conduct character and ability to get along with the Colleagues, students and other staff in the College should have been judged/ recommended by Dean/Principal/Director (Academic) as above average.